Friday, February 16, 2007

About your comments...

I welcome your comments, but I do reserve the right to moderate them as I see fit. This does not mean I will edit them--being a professional freelance writer myself, I'm very sensitive to the ethics involved in editing people's stuff without permission.

What it DOES mean is that I will delete anything obscene, rude, or commercial (i.e., don't post comments just so you can push your Google ads page or your products/services.)

If you are an atheist, New Ager, Hindu, Muslim, Jew or otherwise, I welcome your comments and dialog. I'll talk with you as long as it stays calm and rational, without bad language or name-calling.

It's sad that I have to put this caveat here, but such is the age in which we live...and make no mistake about it, we are in the end times and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is very, very near.

I have no idea exactly when nor does anyone else, because in scripture Jesus specifically says, in Matthew 24:42, "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."

However, Jesus goes on to say that we WILL know the season, and he listed specific signs of his imminent return, all of which are present today. More on that later...

Beware of false teachers and false Christs--they are EVERYWHERE in the 21st century!

Repent of your sins, tell God you're sorry for them, and open you heart and trust him and accept Christ's sacrifice for your sins. That is ALL you have to do--the Lord will help you with the rest!


Anonymous said...

WWW, I do have a comment regarding your testimony.
You didn't "become" a lesbian!
You were in a lesbian relationship, but you were still God's child, you just didn't know it at the time.

WhiteH2OWoman said...

Thank you for your comment, Fitzgerald! Well, that's probably true...I never renounced Christ in my life, and always considered myself to be Christian.

However, for a long time--like, decades--I misunderstood what it means to be Christian and have the ultimate reward of salvation through Christ.

I thought I could live by any rules I wanted, as long as I acknowledged God and Christ every now and then.

In fact, what drew me back to my childhood church--that would be the Episcopal church--was that they didn't try to tell me any rules for living, and I like that just fine.

More on the current state of the Episcopal Church of the USA and why it has fallen into the great apostasy that Christ warned us about later...

WhiteH2OWoman said...

I'm sorry, there's a huge typo in the next-to-last paragraph of my comment above. It should read, "...and I LIKED that just fine," past tense.

I now understand that I don't get to make the rules if I want to go to heaven when I die or am raptured.

I understand now that it's about God's rules, as written down in His Word, the Bible.