Monday, February 19, 2007

Is yoga harmless?

As a freelance writer who writes sales and marketing material, I've got to hand it to the orthodox Hindus. They have done one of the best selling jobs I've ever seen. They've managed to convince about 99% of all Americans that yoga is completely and utterly harmless.

And that's a lie. Let me explain...

Yoga is one of the religious practices of orthodox Hindus. In fact, every yogi (yoga teacher) in India will warn students not to proceed too fast with advanced poses that they are not ready for because those poses can result in headaches, restlessness, or mental disorders. Sounds a lot like demonic possession, doesn't it? Ask your yoga teacher some time about the Third Eye...

Ever wonder what "namaste" means, and why the yoga teacher pushes it on you at the beginning and end of every yoga class? It means, "I honor the divine within you."

Sounds nice, right? The problem is that it's part of Lucifer's oldest lie, the one the serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden: "Ye shall be as Gods," if they ate the fruit from the one forbidden tree.

He also told them they wouldn't die, as God had told them they would. So Eve ate, and got Adam to eat. Anyone seen them still walking around today? Anyone? I'll wait...

Adam and Eve are DEAD, despite the serpent's promise that they would not die and be as gods if they ate that apple. THIS MEANS SATAN LIES!

You and I are not inherently divine. To believe that we are is pure pride and ego.

Here's the GOOD NEWS:
We CAN receive the Holy Spirit within us, although that is NOT what the yogis mean when they say, "Namaste"--they are talking about the false god, Brahma, of the Hindus.

The 1st Commandment states, "Thou shalt have no other gods but me."
If you go to yoga, do the Hindu religious poses, and say, "Namaste," you are honoring the HINDU GOD BRAHMA!

Want the Holy Spirit within you, and the peace of Jesus to come upon you? Then repent--tell God you're sorry for your sins, and tell him you gratefully accept His Son, Jesus Christ's, gift of his life for your sins. Then open your heart and watch the miracles start!

Leave yoga ALONE! It is not of God. In fact, it goes AGAINST the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

You can get the same benefits as yoga from good, honest aerobic exercise, a little resistance or weight training, and some simple athletic stretches.

Excellent additional material:

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